SimpleWeather Home Page
Quick 60-hour forecast
Instant, location-based weather
Mobile friendly, share immediately
SimpleWeather Home Page
SimpleWeather Home Page

You just want the weather, no distractions. We've stripped away all unnecessary clutter from the interface to provide you with only the information you need. And we've made it super-readable at a glance.

Quick 60-hour forecast
Quick 60-hour forecast

The most accurate 60-hour weather forecast is available right up front. Chart highs, lows, and conditions at a glance in an easy-to-read graph. Who plans 10-days in advance anyway?

Instant, location-based weather
Instant, location-based weather

Using location detection, you will find current local weather conditions instantly upon opening the page without the need to enter zip code, city, state, or country.

Mobile friendly, share immediately
Mobile friendly, share immediately

With 140 character weather summaries for every location, every day, you can immediately Insta, Snap, FB or Tweet to brag about your enviable climes.